Community Dashboards are custom-built public-facing (or intranet) websites that utilize the WordPress platform to display data from ClearPoint in a way that's easy to understand.
You’ll need to create an API key in your account. if you haven’t already created an API Key, you can find the instructions here. If you do not have access to API Keys in your account, reach out to ClearPoint Support at [email protected].
Change Community Dashboard credentials in WordPress
Log into WordPress
To access the WordPress login page, type your dashboard’s URL in the URL bar followed by ‘/wp-login.php’
It should have the following format:
Enter your credentials and click Log In
Once logged in to WordPress, click on ClearPoint in the side navigation.
Under Connection Credentials, click on Change Connection
You will see a pop-up at the top of your screen, if you agree with the change, click OK
Important: Please do not alter the Environment settings. The Environment should always be set to APP.
This example uses Dev due to the type of account being used, yours should always be set to APP.
In the Access Key field, copy and paste your Access Key from ClearPoint.
In the Secret Key field, copy and paste your Secret Key from ClearPoint.
Click Update
Your account name will appear in the Connected Account field.