As a member of the Measure Library, it is up to you to decide what Measure data you are going to share with other member organizations and which custom groups you would like to share with.
The Measure Library will be enabled for your account by our support team, please contact us at [email protected] to request access.
Share your Measure
Select Scorecards & Elements from the Control Panel
Choose Manage Elements
Open Measures
Locate the Measure you are going to be working with, in this example, ‘Revenue’.
Click on the edit Pencil icon
Navigate to the Peer-to-Peer Sharing tab
Click the check box next to the Contribution Agreement, which is required to share your measures.
Please read the message explaining what Sharing with Groups means and further instructions for filling out the remaining fields.
Click the check box next to each Group you would like to share the measure with. All of the groups that you are a member of will appear in this list.
From the Contact Name dropdown menu, you can specify who the contact for the measure will be.
This should be one of the ClearPoint Admins or a department supervisor, but you can select any user in your ClearPoint account.
You can provide a Measure Definition to give other member organizations a better sense of what you are tracking and where the data is coming from.
Once you are done with the configuration, click Save
Your Measure will now show up in the Measure Library and can be viewed by other member organizations!
Note that any future updates to the measure’s data table, series, and charts in your account will also be automatically updated in the library.