Charts are visual representations of data that live in the measure element. Choosing the right chart type and formatting it properly is essential for clear visual communication.
How to create Charts in ClearPoint
Charts are data visualizations that live in the Measure Element, when you add new data to a Measure Data Table, your charts will automatically populate with the new information.
New Measures automatically come with a chart, you can edit the existing chart and also add more charts to the Measure.
From your Control Panel click on Elements
Select Measures
Choose the measure you are going to be working with
To Edit an existing chart
Double-click anywhere on the Chart
From the Chart Edit window
Choose a different Chart Type from the dropdown menu
Click the Refresh Preview button to view any changes in the chart preview
We have 9 categories of Default Charts to choose from
Each category has several different variations giving you 30 standard charts
The Show Legend dropdown lets you control visibility
The Legend Position setting allows you to control the Legend position
Use the Chart size dropdown to make your chart bigger or smaller
Chart Series
Navigate to the Chart Series tab
You can Add, Edit, or Remove series from a chart
Click on the Plus icon next to the series name to add that series to the chart or
Click the X icon to remove the series.
Click the Pencil icon to Edit Attributes of the series displayed on a chart.
You can change things like the Series Color or whether it should display Data Labels.
Click Save
Chart Periods
Navigate to the Chart Periods tab
You can control which periods or data are displayed on the chart
The Chart Date Range dropdown controls which periods are shown on the chart
This can help limit a chart to only the most recent and therefore more relevant periods.
The Reporting Frequency is set to use the Measure reporting frequency by default
However you can choose another reporting frequency from the dropdown menu to display a different reporting cadence on the chart.
Click Save to see the chart updated on the detail page.
For example, you may have a monthly measure but want to build a quarterly chart using the same data.
Add a Chart Series
If you have multiple Measures Series, you may want to consider adding another chart to your Measure Detail page, splitting the data into more than one chart can help others better understand the narrative around the measure.
To Add more charts to your Measure:
Click the Edit Pencil
Navigate to the Charts tab
Click the Plus icon to add a new chart
Under Chart Name, enter the new chart name, for example, ‘Target.’
Select the Chart Type
Navigate to the Chart Series
Click the Plus icon to add the recently created Chart
To Add a new Chart to the Measure Detail page:
Click the dropdown arrow to the right of the Edit pencil icon
Select Edit Layout
Find your new chart on the left-hand side panel
Click the Plus icon or drag and drop to add the chart to the details page.