Manual data entry often leads to errors. Copying mitigates this risk by replicating existing data accurately. You can easily copy information to the next period for individual elements, or Scorecards.
Copy forward from an individual element or Detail Page
Select Scorecard & Elements from the Control Panel
Click on Manage Elements
Open Measures
Locate the Measure you are going to be working with, in this example, ‘Revenue’.
Copy forward from the Detail Page
Click on the edit Pencil icon
Click on the Copy Forward button
The copy forward action will not overwrite information that is already in update fields
Copy forward from an individual element
Double-click on the element, in this example, Analysis
Click the Copy Forward blue button
Confirm by clicking the Copy Forward button
Once you are done with your changes mark the green checkmark to Save
Copy forward information for a Scorecard
You can copy information across a Scorecard from one Reporting period to another one, it includes Statuses, Analysis and other information of your choice.
Select Scorecards & Elements from the Control Panel
Choose Manage Elements
Click on Scorecards
Locate the Scorecard you are going to be working with, in this example, ‘Eastern Division’.
Click the three dots icon
Select Copy Forward Scorecard
Use the dropdown menus to select the Source and Destination Period
Mark the checkboxes of the elements you want to copy under Elements to Copy
Under Data To Copy mark the checkboxes of the data you want to copy
Once you are done with your selection, click the Copy Forward button