Organize Your Strategy - Managing ElementsThis article walks through how to manage the different Element types in ClearPoint Scorecards.
Organize Your Strategy - Managing ScorecardsThis article walks through how to manage a Scorecard in ClearPoint.
Organize Your Strategy - Add and Manage Categories (Perspectives)This article walks through how to Add and Manage Categories in ClearPoint.
Organize Your Strategy - Managing ObjectivesThis article shows you how to Manage Objectives in your ClearPoint account.
Organize Your Strategy - Managing MeasuresThis article shows you how to make changes to a Measure in ClearPoint.
Organize Your Strategy - Add and Manage Initiatives (Projects)This article will walk through how to manage initiatives or Projects in ClearPoint.
Organize Your Strategy - Add and Manage MilestonesThis article will walk through how to add Milestones to an Initiative in ClearPoint.
Organize Your Strategy - Add and Manage SeriesThis article shows you how to manage series in ClearPoint.
Organize Your Strategy - Adding Action ItemsThis article walks you through how to add an Action Item to your Scorecard in ClearPoint Strategy.
Organize Your Strategy - Add and Manage RisksThis article walks you through how to create and manage Risks in ClearPoint.
Organize Your Strategy - Linking ElementsThis article walks you through how to Link Elements in ClearPoint.