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Getting Started Guide - Scorecards

This article will cover how to manage your Scorecards

Written by Fernando Montenegro
Updated over 10 months ago

Scorecards in ClearPoint can be thought of as folders to store elements of your strategic business plan such as objectives, measures, and initiatives. Scorecards can be used to measure progress based on goals, identify areas of improvement, and communicate strategy to stakeholders.

How to manage Scorecards

From the Control Panel, you can view all the Scorecards in your account and their Parent, Child, or cascading relationship. Parent and Child Scorecards can be a great way to display the relationship between all the plans, goals, and performance data you track in ClearPoint. Many organizations track their business or department plans in addition to their larger organizational strategic plans in ClearPoint.

  • From your Control Panel select Scorecards

  • Choose Manage Scorecards

Create a Scorecard

  • Click the Dropdown menu and select Add Scorecard

  • Give your Scorecard a name, for example ‘Financials.’

  • To create a Parent-Child relationship, select an existing Scorecard under the Parent Scorecard menu.

  • Once you are done, click Save.

Scorecard Categories

Categories are the overarching dimensions that put the strategy into context.

  • Navigate to the Edit Categories tab

  • Click the Plus icon

  • Give a name to your Category, for example, enter ‘Financials.’

  • Click Save

    It is recommended to add a description using Category Description

    Note: Traditionally the balanced scorecard has 4 categories, Financials, Internal processes, Customers, Learning, and Growth. However, you should use the Categories that make sense for your organization.

  • Navigate to User Access where you will be able to control which of the users can access a Scorecard

  • Once you are done, Click Save

    Note: As organizations add more Scorecards to their account it may not be necessary for every user to have access to all of the Scorecards.

Duplicate Scorecards

From Manage Scorecards you can use the Filter Scorecard search bar to search for a scorecard you can also click the Pencil icon to edit a Scorecard.

  • Next to the Pencil icon you will find Three dots icon

  • To Duplicate a Scorecard select Duplicate

  • Give a name to your duplicate scorecard, for example, ‘Northern Division New.’

  • You can select Copy Status and Scorecard Data to copy any updates into your new

    Scorecard or select Cascade copy the Scorecard (duplicate all child Scorecards) to duplicate any Child Scorecard that lives underneath the Scorecard you are duplicating.

  • Once you are done, click Duplicate

Delete Scorecards

  • Click on the Three dots icon to Delete a Scorecard

  • Confirm you want to Delete a Scorecard

  • Note: You cannot delete a scorecard you are in. If you do not see the option to Delete when you click on the three dots, click into any other scorecard and navigate back to Manage Scorecards to delete.

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